Persistence Turns Failure Into Extraordinary Achievements
Every soccer player, no matter what the age or skill level, strives to strike the ball with power and accuracy; and every player, no matter how experienced, can improve this element of their game. At No. 1 Soccer Camps, our innovative training sessions break down skills and elements to improve all of the aspects of a player’s game.
Over the course of a camp week, campers will participate in a variety of professionally designed sessions geared to every aspect of the game. One of No.1’s individualized training sessions focuses on power shooting. What makes this particular exercise unique is that players are required to perform a number of technical exercises wearing only socks. This environment allows for a better understanding of what it feels like to properly strike the ball for power and accuracy.
At the beginning of the session, each player is videotaped striking the ball on goal in a game like situation. A staff coach will then provide the player with a brief review and analysis of their technique and advise them on how to correct any technical mistakes.
Next, the players are asked to remove their cleats and begin a series of technical drills that focus solely on proper foot position with the toes pointed down and the ankles locked before striking the ball.
The first exercise is completed while lying on the ground allowing for isolation of the foot movement and ankle position and designed to improve the quality of the strike. The players then complete a series of exercises from sitting to standing with the same focus. Finally, they put their cleats back on and resume going to goal while properly striking the ball for power and accuracy.
At the end of the session, the players are again videotaped striking theball. In almost every instance, the second video shows a dramatic improvement in technique. The secret to the success? During the course of this session, players perform hundreds of repetitions to instill the ability to feel comfortable when put in goal scoring opportunities. This training session helps young soccer players gain confidence in their ability to correctly strike a ball and put it on target – this repetition and persistence allows them to turn their failures into extraordinary goals.
For more information on how to become part of the No.1 Soccer Camp family and benefit from proven training sessions like this one, visit our website: Over 80,000 campers have turned their failures into extraordinary achievements – you can too!
Rob Andrulis is an Associate Director for No. 1 Soccer Camps. In addition, he is also the Head Coach of Boys Soccer at Litchfield High School. Coach Rob will be at the following No. 1 locations camps this summer: Salisbury University – Salisbury, MD, Western Connecticut State University – Danbury, CT, Plumb Fields – Litchfield, CT – Day Camp, Veterans Field – Sharon, CT – Day Camp